f6d3264842 celebrate-the-clone-wars. Season 1, Episode 21 – Liberty on Ryloth. Ponds was the clone commander of Mace Windu and has been assigned to him since the .... Discover ideas about Star Wars Images. Republic Clone Trooper: CC-6454 Commander Ponds; Brown Faction; Blaster Riflemen; Infantry Unit. Star Wars .... In 21 BBY, Ponds was one of the commanders of the Battle of Ryloth during the Clone Wars. He went with Mace Windu to the planet's surface, but before he .... General overview: Commander Ponds or CT-411 was a commander for the Grand Army of the Republic and.. Enhanced Visual Guides and Photo Archives featuring Star Wars Toys & Collectibles from Hasbro's The Clone Wars Collection.. CT-411, nicknamed "Ponds," was a Clone Commander bred from the genetic template of the human bounty hunter Jango Fett. During the Clone Wars, he served under the command of Jedi General Mace Windu in the Grand Army of the Republic. ... CT-411 ("Ponds") was a veteran of the Battle of .... Apr 9, 2019 ... CT-411 'Ponds served during the Republic's first battle of the Clone War's ... Ponds remained at Windu's side as the Clone Wars spread across .... Ponds, officially designated CT-411, was a clone trooper commander who fought for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He served under .... May 5, 2010 - 2 min - Uploaded by FoxclonewarsMy 2º favorite clone commander in star wars, but he died .... I AM SOOOOO UNHAPPY .... Clone Troopers / Commander Ponds / Clone Cadet Jax (voice) ... This episode of the Clone Wars television series deserves a great rating because it has world .... Dan Levine brings us tonight's review of Commander Ponds from the Hasbro Clone Wars series. Actually, he brought it quite awhile ago, but I misplaced it in my .... Sep 7, 2009 - 5 min - Uploaded by SithLord229Clone Commander Ponds battles to liberate the Separatist-occupied world of Ryloth. The .... Nov 18, 2018 ... Commander Ponds, one of the deepest characters in all of Star Tales. ... Fives was the clone who try to end the clone wars and was killed doing .... Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for LEGO Star Wars Custom Commander Ponds Clone Trooper at the best online prices at eBay!. Apr 5, 2016 - 54 sec - Uploaded by Star Wars DeathsThe death of Commander Ponds. Star Wars Deaths. Loading... Unsubscribe from Star ... The .... CT-411, known as Clone Commander Ponds, served under Jedi Master Mace Windu during the Clone Wars. A veteran of such battlefields as Geonosis, Ryloth, .... ("Ponds") is a clone trooper commander who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Assigned to High Jedi General Mace Windu at .... Jan 9, 2016 ... Commander Ponds is a playable character from LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. He is based on the clone trooper of the same nickname in .... CC-6454, nicknamed "Ponds," was a clone trooper commander in the Grand ... for the Republic, and Ponds continued to serve under Windu as the Clone Wars .... This Commander Ponds figure was released as a Toys'r'us exclusive at the end of July 2009. The figure could be purchased individually at $9.99, a higher price ...
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